It's happening again. Life is exuberantly floating by, and I still haven't discovered a way to make it stop; or at least slow down enough to include me in its antics. It's like pedestrian crossing in a way. Whenever you're on the street and you're the pedestrian waiting for the light to change, it's like it takes forever and a day. Time you could have spent walking to your destination is gone; inadvertently wasted into the abyss never to be seen from or heard of again. It's that vital to me. I don't want this summer to be just another wast of time. I've loitered around the house many a summer, laying in bed until sometimes 3 in the afternoon. I've wasted too many hours in front of the computer or TV set spoiling my summer freedom. My biggest pastime: doing absolutely nothing. I am a very creative individual so there is no reason for this insane wasting of time, I could be writing poetry or reading books or going out with friends or going somewhere...the list goes on. I can't quite understand why I have such a productivity deficiency during the summer, but its there, its here now. I've put a plan in motion to stop this dissipation head on: a book. I'm creating a photo anthology to help my creative flow stay alive in this drought prone season, and I hope to the highest mountain top that this plan doesn't fall through. I'm bored and I'm finally doing something proactive. Bump the crosswalk; I'm jaywalking this business.