Thursday, July 15, 2010


Collision has inspired a change in my life. I have a fear of people but I know it is useless. And Collision has helped me to be okay with being afraid. Like Growtowski helped me with my fear of movement. I move all the time now. Fuck, I don't dance. I still hate dancing. I don't want to dance because I hate how my stomach and thighs jiggle. But I move. And Collision has pushed me towards the part of my life that wants to know people and understand things I don't usually want to understand. I want to be able to be okay with not knowing everything. I don't know much, and I realize that it really doesn't long as I can learn from other people. It's really disappointing how much of my teen years have been wasted sulking in self pitty. Shit, I've only got two more years to be a teenager. I better use it up. I want to soke up the world. I'm terrified of life, YES, but fuck that I don't care I'm still gunna jump of this damn building without a parachute. But all I wanna know is...

Will you come with me?

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Theatre Rat

I'm loving loving loving acting through the summer. This just feels right. So I won't be dead when August comes around. I'm writing so much and sharing it with others and it feels good. Thank you for this opportunity.
I'm in love with my life. It's so beautifully human.